
SolidNetwork License Manager Options File to Control Network License Usage

The SolidNetwork License Manager is based on FLEXlm technology to host all Dassault Systemes SOLIDWORKS network licenses (SNL). License access can be controlled by setting up a SolidNetwork License Manager Options file.  There are many option keywords available with FLEXlm.

For more detailed information, review the FlexNet Publisher Administration Guide found on the server where the SolidNetwork License Manager has been installed. By default, this PDF document (fnp_LicAdmin.pdf) will be located under C:\Program Files (x86)\SOLIDWORKS SolidNetWork License Manager 20xx\Docs\flexuser. A list of Options keywords is found under section #13 in the guide.

Getting Started

  1. By default, there is no Options file created. Open the SolidNetwork License Manager and click ‘Modify’ on the Server Administration tab.
    SolidNetwork License Manager Options File
  2. Choose the option to ‘Activate/Reactivate your product license(s)’.
    SolidNetwork License Manager Options FileSolidNetwork License Manager Options File
  3. Enable the checkbox for ‘Options File’ and click ‘Edit’. This will prompt you to create a file called sw_d.opt in the default folder C:\Program Files (x86)\SOLIDWORKS SolidNetWork License Manager 20xx\licenses. The file will be opened in Notepad automatically for editing.
    SolidNetwork License Manager Options FileSolidNetwork License Manager Options File
  4. After setting up all options, save and close the file and continue with the reactivation.
  5. To verify the Options file is being applied, click ‘View Logs’ and search the logs for ‘Using Options’.

SolidNetwork License Manager Options FileSolidNetwork License Manager Options File

Changing An Existing Options File

  1. You can return to the Activate/Reactivate screen, choose Edit to open the Options file, and make changes. Save and close the file. The reactivation steps can be continued or canceled. Either way, the SolidNetwork License Manager service will be restarted and the options file read.
  2. If manually modifying the sw_d.opt file with Notepad outside of the License Manager, the file will need to be reread in the License Manager to refresh the information.  On the Server Administration tab, click ‘Reread’. This allows you to modify the Options file without restarting the service and resetting the logs.

SolidNetwork License Manager Options FileSolidNetwork License Manager Options File

Common Keywords


    • Set up a group with a list of user names.  It is easier to reference groups with other keywords.
    • E.g. ‘GROUP Designers jim sue bob jane’ will create a group named ‘Designers’ with 4 users
    • Rather than user names, control a list of machine names
    • E.g. ‘HOST_GROUP Drafters machine1 machine2’ will create a host group named ‘Drafters’ with 2 computer names
    • Access can be controlled with IP addresses rather than user/machine with the use of INTERNET  <IP_Address>. The * wildcard can be used to include a range of IP addresses.
    • E.g. ‘EXCLUDE solidworks INTERNET 123.123.123.*’ would exclude the product of any system ranging from to
    • Gives the ability to prevent the usage of a product. INCLUDE would allow only the listed users/computers to use the product. EXCLUDE would prevent access for specific users/computers.
    • E.g. ‘INCLUDE cae_cwpro GROUP SimulationUsers’ would only allow access to Simulation Professional licenses for users in the SimulationUsers group. All other users will not have access.
    • By default, the timeout period of an inactive computer is 2 hours. This can be changed anywhere from 15 minutes to two hours. The values are specified in seconds.
    • E.g. ‘TIMEOUTALL 3600’ has all products returned to the server after one hour of computer inactivity.
    • For more information, refer to the following article:
      SolidNetwork License Manager Options File to Control Timeout Period
    • The default max borrow time is 30 days. This can be reduced, but not extended past 30 days. The values are specified in hours.
    • E.g. ‘MAX_BORROW_HOURS 360’ would reduce the max borrow time to 15 days.

Example Options File

The following Options File would control the following:

  • User name can be Jim or jim, SUE or sue, etc
  • A group of users with Jim, Sue, Bob and Jane will always have access to at least two licenses of SOLIDWORKS between them
  • A group of computers with names machine1 and machine2 will have two licenses of DraftSight always available
  • Only Bob and Jane will have access to Simulation Professional licenses
  • If there are 2 or fewer available licenses of SOLIDWORKS, borrow will be prevented
  • The maximum borrow time is 15 days
  • All products will timeout after 1 hour of computer inactivity (if not borrowed)

SolidNetwork License Manager Options FileSolidNetwork License Manager Options File

List of Product Feature Names

  • SOLIDWORKS Standard: solidworks
  • SOLIDWORKS Office (legacy): swoffice
  • SOLIDWORKS Professional: swofficepro
  • SOLIDWORKS Premium: swofficepremium
  • SOLIDWORKS Premium with Simulation Premium: swofficepremium_cwadvpro
  • SOLIDWORKS Premium with Simulation Professional: swofficepremium_cwpro
  • SOLIDWORKS eDrawings Professional: edrw
  • SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard: cae_cwstd
  • SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional: cae_cwpro
  • SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium: cae_cwadvpro
  • SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation: cae_cosmosfloworkspe
  • SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation HVAC Module: cae_cosmosflowork_hvac
  • SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation Electronic Cooling: cae_cosmosflowork_elec
  • SOLIDWORKS Sustainability: swsustainability
  • SOLIDWORKS Plastics Standard: plastics_pro
  • SOLIDWORKS Plastics Professional: plastics_premium
  • SOLIDWORKS Plastics Premium: plastics_advanced
  • SOLIDWORKS Motion: cae_cosmosmotion
  • SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional CAD Editor & Web: swepdm_cadeditorandweb
  • SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Contributor & Web: swepdm_contributorandweb
  • SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Processor License: swepdm_processor
  • SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Viewer: swepdm_viewer
  • SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard CAD Editor: swpdmstd_cadeditor
  • SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard Contributor: swpdmstd_contributor
  • SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard Viewer: swpdmstd_viewer
  • SOLIDWORKS Manage Professional Contributor: swmanagepro_contributor
  • SOLIDWORKS Manage Professional Editor: swmanagepro_editor
  • SOLIDWORKS Manage Professional Processor License: swmanagepro_processor
  • SOLIDWORKS Manage Professional Viewer: swmanagepro_viewer
  • SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic Professional: elec2d
  • SOLIDWORKS Electrical 3D: elec3d
  • SOLIDWORKS Electrical Professional: elecpro
  • SOLIDWORKS Composer: swcomposer
  • SOLIDWORKS Composer Check: swcomposer_check
  • SOLIDWORKS Composer Player Pro: swcomposer_playerpro
  • SOLIDWORKS Composer Sync: swcomposer_sync
  • SOLIDWORKS Composer Enterprise Sync: swcomposer_syncenterprise
  • SOLIDWORKS Inspection Standard: swinspection_std
  • SOLIDWORKS Inspection Professional: swinspection_pro
  • SOLIDWORKS MBD Standard: swmbd_std
  • SOLIDWORKS Visualize Standard: visustd
  • SOLIDWORKS Visualize Professional: visupro
  • SOLIDWORKS Visualize Boost: visuboost
  • SOLIDWORKS CAM Standard: camstd
  • SOLIDWORKS CAM Professional: campro
  • DraftSight Enterprise: draftsightpremium

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