
What’s New in SOLIDWORKS PDM 2024

With each new version of SOLIDWORKS PDM, companies are faced with the dilemma of performing an upgrade or not. SOLIDWORKS does their customers a genuine service by providing a new version of the “What’s New in SOLIDWORKS PDM 2024”. They have gone to great lengths to provide users with any new additions, modifications, and improvements to the software.

The What’s New PDF document  has topics that discuss the changes or the additional functionality for the version you may seek to upgrade to. The “What’s New” PDF can be found on any computer with PDM installed.

A typical location to find the PDF is below:

"C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS PDM\Lang\GB\WhatsNewSWPDM.pdf"

Join me as we start the journey of what’s new in SOLIDWORKS PDM 2024.

Assembly Visualization

SOLIDWORKS has now provided the ability to identify immediately if a file is checked out in PDM and who the person who checked the file out is. They do allow the additional columns to be added under the Assembly Visualization feature in the design tree within SOLIDWORKS.

Assembly Visualization Assembly Visualization

A custom list of variables for the user to use based on their permissions.

New Custom List

Download Specific Versions of a File

SOLIDWORKS PDM Web2 now lets you download specific versions of a file. It will also download the file references.

Web2 Download Specific Versions

Note: With this feature, you can only download a single file in a single operation.

File Type Icons In Web2

File Type Icons

Now you can view the icons for files based on file types including:

  • Weldment Cut List and files that are shared pasted as overlays
  • The icons can be seen in dialog boxes for the following
    • File Details
    • File Operations
    • Web2
  • The type icons for cut list items are not available for SOLIDWORKS BOMs.
  • Check Out Option in Change State Command

Copy Tree Dialog Box

Viewing Check-Out Details

New events have been added to the History Dialog box for each file in Solidworks PDM File Explorer. Select History and you can now see the Check-out and Undo Check-out event of a file along with other details.

Check-Out Event Details

System Variables

System variables have been made easier to access for the File List, Quick Search Results, and Search Result column set types.

The system Variables included are the following items:

<Latest Revision>
<Local Revision>
<Last Historic Workflow>
<Last Historic State>

The <Days in State> system variable is available as a default column in the File list. There are more system variables available in the version tab and the Solidworks PDM Task Add-in.


System Variables

Viewing License Usage

Viewing the license details for 2024 has never been easier and without having special administrative permissions.

The Server List and License Usage have been broken into two separate options.

  • Server List: Allows you to edit license servers, however, the administrative permission Can Update License server will have to be enabled for the user to edit the license servers.
  • License Usage: Allows a user to view the license details. Having this separated allows the user to log out if they are not using the tool and allows you to decide if you need to change the license type.


Viewing License Usage

Data Security Enhancements

In SOLIDWORKS PDM File Explorer and Web2, unauthorized users cannot view file information in the Contains and Where Used tabs.
The warning message No rights to get latest or attached version displays.

Data Security Enhancements

SOLIDWORKS PDM Performance Improvements

SOLIDWORKS PDM 2024 has improved the performance of file-based operations. The following operations are approximately two times faster:

  • Add files
  • Change state
  • Copy tree

The copy tree to compressed archive operation is orders of magnitude faster.

Take a Training Course

For more information about SOLIDWORKS PDM and other data management solutions, check out our SOLIDWORKS PDM training courses.

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