
The Collect Identical Bodies Tool Can Assist You with Editing Your Cut List

Introduced in SOLIDWORKS 2017, the ability to sort cut list components has improved with the Collect Identical Bodies command. If you are experiencing setbacks with your cut list separating sheet metal bodies with identical geometry, the Collect Identical Bodies tool can assist you with grouping similar components.

Apply Settings for Collecting Identical Bodies

The command for collecting identical bodies can be applied in the Document Properties. Navigate to Tools > Options > Document Properties > Weldments. Under the Cut List Options, ensure Automatically Create Cut Lists and Collect Identical Bodies are selected.

  • Automatically create cut lists: Ensures the Create Cut Lists Automatically setting is enabled and automatically groups identical bodies under a single folder.
  • Collect Identical Bodies: Collects bodies that are made from different features but are geometrically identical into a single folder.

Settings for the Collect Identical Bodies Command Can be Seen Under the Cut List Options Settings for the Collect Identical Bodies Command Can be Seen Under the Cut List Options

Collect Identical Bodies by Excluding Features and Faces

The ability to exclude features and faces can also be applied to sort your cut list. This command will group components with identical geometry and differing features into a single folder. An example can be seen below, displaying three blocks with identical geometry. The components are currently separated into their folders due to the different features applied to the models. This also leads to the cut list table separating the components.

Cut List Table

Cut List Table Cut List Table

Cut List TableCut List Table

To apply the Collect Identical Bodies command, right-click on Cut List in the FeatureManager Design Tree and select Cut List Sorting Options. Enable “Collect Identical Bodies” and activate selection under “Faces/Features to Exclude”.

FeatureManager DesignTree

FeatureManager DesignTree FeatureManager DesignTree

Once a selection is activated, you can choose to exclude faces by simply clicking on the faces that differ the identical components from one another:

Exclude FacesExclude Faces

Alternatively, you can select features to exclude through selection in the FeatureManager Design Tree:

Exclude FeaturesExclude Features

Once you have completed excluding the features or faces, the sheet metal components will be grouped under one folder and the cut list table will update in your drawing:


CutList GroupedCutList Grouped

CutListTable GroupedCutListTable Grouped

If you found this blog article helpful, the following link can assist you with configuring Cut List properties: SOLIDWORKS 2019 Configuring Cut Lists for Configurations.

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